I am very much a daddy’s girl. I am also a little independent. There are times when I try to do things that I simply cannot do to prove my independency. Eventually I fail and run to my daddy. As a daddy’s girl, I know he can fix anything…even when he can’t lol. In those situations, I know I would have avoided some struggle if I went to my daddy first, but that requires yielding my control and I don’t wanna. But alas, I run to him and he tells me to be still and watch him fix the problem. And of course, I have no problem in the stillness because he’s never failed me. I have no reason to doubt him. I have no reason to fear. I know he’s the answer.
But where’s this faith when it comes to God?
Our heavenly father invites us to be still or cease striving and recognize that He is God. He is not our parents. He is not our spouse. He is not our president. He is not our pastor. HE IS GOD.
And yet, being still is sometimes the hardest thing to do.
“Be still, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!” – Psalm 46:10
This verse reminds me of Jesus calming the storm with the disciples. Mark 4: 35-41 tells the story of the disciples and Jesus in a boat when a storm appears. They were so afraid and thought they were going to perish, when they decide to wake Jesus up to do something about it. Jesus remains calm the whole time like a G and calms the storm, all the while questioning their faith.
I like to imagine that the disciples were doing what they thought to be right before they woke up Jesus. Perhaps they were trying to head back to shore where they knew it was safe, even if it meant going in the opposite direction. Maybe they decided to overthrow some cargo to lighten the load. What ever they tried to do, it wasn’t working and they believed that their lives were coming to an end. I imagine it that way because that is how I am spiritually. There is a storm or trial or hard time happening and as the knowledgeable, degree-holding adult that I am, I can strive to overcome it in my own strength. I run back to an easier time in life where I didn’t have to worry about taxes or student loans. I can try to get rid of some cargo that actually may be beneficial. Whatever I try to do, won’t work without Christ.
To me, being still is a form of submission. I am letting go of the control that I thought I had over the situation and completing relying on God to save me. The disciples literally were so afraid and thought they would die. How many times have you believed that you would not make it, but God steps in…and you realize that you never had a legitimate reason to be afraid.
Personally, I have found more peace and security in the roughest situations whenever I let go of the reins and turn it over to God. He gently quiets the storm and reminds me that He is God.
This is the same God that created the universe.
This is the same God that brought the Israelites out of captivity in Egypt through the parting of the Red Sea.
This is the same God that fed His people mana from Heaven.
This is the same God who protected Daniel in the Lion’s Den.
This is the same God who kept Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace.
This is the same God who conquered hell and the grave.
I mean…we could seriously go on all day.
This is the same God that *enter your circumstance here.*
Whatever you may be dealing with today, be still. Take a moment about think about the God that you serve. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. Know that He is God.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4: 6-7
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I got this cool tee from Walk in Love. So check it out!