• Weirdo

    Growing up, I was definitely a weird kid. When I was 10 years old, I collected hotel key cards. I would lock my door like it was a hotel room and use the hotel key card to slide it through the door cracks and unlock my room. Weird. When I was seven years old, I told my mom that I wanted a baby. I tried to convince her that I could take care of the baby. I would feed it and wash it daily. I thought babies came from the grocery store. I thought there was some glass room with…

  • Love is…

    When I was about 13 years old, I fell in love. Ya know, the deep kind of love. Call each other all day kind of love. Puppy names to make you puke kind of love. Draw hearts on your binder with his name inside kind of love. And then…yep…I woke up. For as long as I can remember, I have been a helpless romantic. I love romantic movies like The Holiday, The Notebook or Love & Basketball. The relationships don’t seem to make sense. Someone is too selfish. Someone doesn’t try like the other. Someone is not communicating their feelings of hurt…

  • Stretch My Hand

    I went to a private school throughout high school and college. One thing that I rarely saw was a fist fight. Sure we might joke around, ball up our fist and pretend to swing, but nothing ever happened passed that. I most assuredly was not going to get into a fight. It took a lot for me to get angry. And even more for me to express it. I was terrified of the consequences of winning and the embarrassment of losing. Well, elementary school is over. High School is a distant memory. College feels like a dream. And after making…

  • Super Lowkey

    This tee describes me so well. I come from an outgoing family. I have my outgoing moments. I can be loud and entertaining. I can appear to be anything but shy. I was a thespian in high school and I have a love for the stage. But the side of myself that I love the most is when I’m super lowkey. low–key (adjective) : quiet and relaxed : not very emotional or noticeable Although I love this state, as a believer, it is not a state that I can take when it comes to sharing our faith. I cannot be quiet. I cannot be relaxed.…

  • Rebirth

    The recent birth of my nephew allowed me to appreciate the spiritual rebirth that believers undergo in Christ in a whole new way and prioritize walking in the image of God.

  • Not Today Satan

    Jesus is by far one of the funniest people in the Bible to me. Not only did He have the greatest clapbacks of all time, I believe He coined this phrase, Not Today Satan, way before our existence. Let’s look back at the temptation of Christ.  Satan has some nerve coming up to THE Christ and tempting Him. But I am really grateful of this example. From it, we learn that we can defeat the temptations of the deceiver just like Jesus. Matthew 4 tells the story of the Temptation of Jesus. It begins with a fast that lasted 40…

  • Faith

    If you could have any superpower, what would it be? As I continue on this life journey of adulting, the best choice would be to see the future. How cool would it be to see how your life is going to turn out…how c[razy]. Often enough, I find myself at a crossroads. I have to make a decision between two or even three different paths. Which way do I go? How will it turn out? What if I make a mistake and choose the wrong path? If only I could tap into my superpower to reveal to me which way…

  • Grace

    Christmas is no doubt my favorite holiday and I’m so excited that it is rapidly approaching. I love gifts! I love to give gifts, receive them, dream of gifts that will never happen haha…you catch my drift. I love this season because gifts are given from the heart, from love. Gifts are not given because you have necessarily done something deserving, but because you are loved. In December, we celebrate the greatest gift of all. We are reminded of the best gift that came from love: grace. Jesus is grace in the flesh. You might recall from an earlier blog or from…

  • Rest

    The Thanksgiving holiday has officially passed. It was short enough that I did not completely get out of my daily routine, but long enough to tell my body that it needs a break. At the Rasheed’s house, we celebrate on Thursday and Friday. Friends and family gather and we have sooooo much food and even more fun, which means I’m in No Sleep, Texas. Christmas is around the corner and I’ll probably catch up on sleep then right? You’re right…silly me, I’m an adult now. We’ve coined this term “adulting,” and quite frankly, it sucks. I truly blame my parents and…

  • Grateful

    It’s one of my favorite times of the year: Thanksgiving! I love it because we have a bunch of family and friends over for Thanksgiving day and the day after and get lost in the fellowship. As a nation, this time is reserved for everyone to take a second and reflect on the things that we are thankful for. Wow…a whole day! The other 364 days, we typically spend complaining. We complain about our jobs. We complain about our finances. We complain about our living arrangements. We complain about our spouses. We complain about our children. We complain because life is not…